Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Pakistan, on the way to becoming a failed state?

With any ground breaking news, the most common reaction is the knee-jerk one. The media, the general populace and the government all will have their say.

What happened in Pakistan shouldn't really be a surprise to anyone who has been following the news. The events of Mumbai should have served as a warning on what was to come.

Yet for all the talk surrounding the future of Pakistan. Such as can it continue to take the hardliners in from Afghanistan and not lose its own identity? Or will it lead to the spread of radicalism and the prospect of a pariah state on the Indian subcontinent.

I don't believe that Pakistan is a failed state-yet. It is precariously placed, and it is a state that stands on a knife edge in terms of political upheaval. I would argue that it is only an incident or two away from falling into anarchy.

The increasing destabilised situation is a result of militants forcing their way from the USA's war on terror in Afghanistan. With no place to, they use the tribal strongholds as bases.

Pakistan must find away to combat the militants not just with weapons but also with ideology. It must modernize the political system and castrate the radical forces.

To do all of this will not be easy, and one suspects it will involve many difficult decisions having to be made. However without political and economic reform, Pakistan will go the way of other failed states.

Except this failed state will have access to nuclear weapons.

"Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one's living at it"
Albert Einstein

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